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Ultimate Air Dogs
at Traverse City's National Cherry Festival in Michigan, Jul 2008

Here is one representative* picture for each of the 64 dogs I have (plus a "humadog"!)   I'd love to able to give them all their names, so if you know who they are do please tell me.
Click a thumbnail for a bigger pic and a link to more photos of that dog. (There are 1030 photos altogether!).

  1 2 3 4
1 Brandy at the Cherry Fest 2008
Brandi (44 pics)
Casey Lynn at the Cherry Fest 2008
Casey Lynn (21 pics)
Chase at the Cherry Fest 2008
Chase (45 pics)
Colby at the Cgerry fest 2008
Colby (53 pics)
2 Dakota at the Cherry Fest 2008
Dakota (41 pics)
Moses at the Cherry Fest 2008
Moses (25 pics)
Sky at the Cherry Fest 2008
Sky (64 pics)
Sparky at the Cherry Fest 2008
Sparky (4 pics)
3 Taylor at the Cherry Fest 2008
Taylor (2 pics)
Rock at the Cherry fest 2008
Rock (50 pics)
Wrigley at the Cherry Fest 2008
Wrigley(22 pics)
Deedee (4 pics)
4 Black dog with a royal blue collar
Black, royal blue collar (6 pics)
Black dog with blue chevron collar
Black, blue chevron collar (8 pics)
Merlyn at the Cherry Fest 2008
Merlyn (14 pics)
Black dog with a green collar
Black, green collar (22 pics)
5 Black dog with chain and a grey or beige collar
Black, chain & grey collar (9 pics)
Black dog with an olive collar
Black, olive collar (7 pics)
Black dog with no (?) collar
Black, no collar? (8 pics)
Black dog with a blue & green collar
Black, blue & green collar (5 pics)
6 Black dog with a cherry pattern collar
Black, cherries collar (3 pics)
Black dog with a flourescent pink collar
Black, flourescent pink collar (29 pics)
Brie at the Cherry Fest 2008
Brie (12 pics)
Black dog with a pale yellow collar
Black, pale yellow collar (20 pics)
7 Black collie with a red collar
Black collie, red collar (5 pics)
Black collie with a whire ruff
Black collie, white ruff (21 pics)
Black dog with a red kerchief
Black, red kerchief (4 pics)
Spanish Water dog - black
Spanish Water dog (17 pics)
8 Blonde Spanish Water dog
Spanish Water dog, blonde (6 pics)
Blonde dog with a smooth brown collar
Blonde, smooth brown collar (5 pics)
Blonde dog with a purple collar
Blonde, purple collar (3 pics)
Blonde dog with no collar
Blonde, no collar (9 pics)
9 Blonde dog with a flourescent orange collar
Blonde, flourescent orange collar (5 pics)
Blonde dog with a cherry pattern collar
Blonde, cherry collar (4 pics)
Blonde dog with a black collar
Blonde, black collar (10 pics)
Gus (23 pics)
Golden, ridged brown collar (13 pics)
Golden dog, pink collar with blue& yellow bars
Golden, pink collar with blue & yellow bars (10 pics)
Golden dog with only a chain
Golden, chain only (4 pics)
Golden dog with a dark green collar
Golden, dark green collar (12 pics)
11 Golden dog with a multi-colored collar
Golden, multi-colored collar (17 pics)
Golden dog with royal blue collar
Golden, blue collar (1 pics)
Lily Frost
Lily Frost (5 pics)
Lily Frost
Lily Frost (21 pics)
12 Golden dog with a chain and a red collar
Golden, chain & red collar (4 pics)
Belgian shepherd dog with no collar
Belgian shepherd (20 pics)
Belgian shepherd dog with a tan collar
Belgian shepherd, tan collar (9 pics)
Carly at the Cherry fest 2008
Carly (23 pics)
13 Brown & speckled white collie
Brown & speckled white collie (3 pics)
Ceana at Cherry Fest 2008
Ceana (38 pics)
Brown and white dog with a red collar
Brown & white, red collar (5 pics)
Dark brown & white dog with a pink collar + a purple kerchief
Brown & white, pink collar & purple kerchief (11 pics)
14 Brown & speckled white dog with a flourescent orange collar
Brown & speckled white, flourescent orange collar (5 pics)
Brown dog with a blue collar
Brown, blue collar (11 pics)
Brown dog with a green & yellow collar
Brown, green & yellow collar (20 pics)
Gunner at Cherry fest 2008
Gunner (23 pics)
15 Brown dog with a chain and a pink+orange collar
Brown, chain & flourescent pink/orange collar (7 pics)
Brown dog with a flourescent orange collar
Brown, flourescent orange collar (7 pics)
Brown dog with a chain and a brown patterned collar
Brown, chain & brown patterned collar (12 pics)
Brown dog with a brown star patterned collar
Brown, brown star pattern collar (7 pics)
16 Meadow
Meadow (22 pics)
Brown dog, pink collar with blue & yellow bars
Brown, pink collar with blue & yellow bars(65 pics)
Brown dog with a red collar
Brown, red collar (9 pics)
Brown dog with a yellow collar
Brown, yellow collar (5 pics)
17   Smooth brown dog with a red collar
Smooth brown dog, red collar (4 pics)
Humadog (13 pics)

* 'Representative' doesn't mean 'best' or 'favorite', I just chose these to make identifying the dogs easier.


To find out what the competition is all about, visit http://www.ultimateairdogs.net/ which is run by MaraLee Richardson and Sara Chisnell-Voigt.

The dogs are jumping into a small swimming pool from a platform like a boat dock.  They are chasing a toy either thrown by their owner or hanging from a frame that is adjustable in height. They are having so much fun it is completely infectious and I, who have never been particularly fond of dogs have found my attitude to them quite changed after watching this amazing display of eagerness and courage and strength.

I posted 9 photos on the Ultimate Air Dogs message forum and I am proud and delighted that my photo of Colby won their photo competition for the Cherry Festival.

Please contact me if you would like to buy any of the pictures.
email: jacqui @ henryandjacqui,com_

I can do prints up to 10" x 8", print-ready jpeg files at up to 8 Mp resolution (HUGE on your screen) or just the untouched files as they came from my Canon 30D DSLR camera if you want to do your own editing.

I am not a pro phtographer so I won't ask pro prices but a few dollars would help persuade my husband that this is a good use of my time!

Jacqui's Photo GalleryHenry and Jacqui's Home Page